• Arthritis Natural Remedies

Reducing Arthritic Knee Pain with simple stretches

Did you know that you may be able to reduce your arthritic Knee pain with some simple stretches that you can do at home? I know it sounds too simple and too good to be true. But it has worked for me and many of my clients with arthritic knee pain over the last 17 years. While this advice is specific to Osteoarthritis these techniques may also be useful in other forms of Arthritis such as Rheumatoid arthritis. The important thing to note is that during an acute flare up stretching is not advisable. Typically reducing arthritic knee pain with stretches is done when the acute phase is over.

The benefits of stretching at home are;

  • It’s free
  • It can be very safe
  • It is often very easy
  • It is natural
  • And it can be very effective!

Safety is the first concern and it is best to have been cleared by a qualified health professional to so that you are safe to begin. When stretching the knees the most likely danger is if you have a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) this is a clot in the veins of the calf muscle, other considerations would be leg ulcers and leg tumors etc.

The next consideration is how suitable your knees are to be stretched. This really depends on how much pain and inflammation you are having and what structural condition your knees are in. If you have a lot of inflammation need medications constantly for this and are in a lot of pain then it may not be appropriate to be stretching. Also in some cases if there is significant bony destruction and changes then it may also be not appropriate to stretch.

Once you have been told that you are safe to stretch then you can begin a stretching regime that is specific to your needs. To ascertain exactly what stretches you need to do is critical and needs individual assessment and prescription.

For instance there is one muscle that can be stretched over 6 different ways and 5 of those may be unsuitable for some people.

To give the right advice and guidance I have developed a system teaching all I know on DVD Format, to see this please click here.