• Arthritis Natural Remedies

Seven of the Best Natural Ideas for Arthritis Relief

Do you want to know seven of the best natural ideas for Arthritis. It is amazing how little there is known in mainstream medicine for arthritis relief… other than pain killers or surgery!

With osteoarthritis there are many things that can be done to help with the pain and to reduce the stiffness. While you may know some of these if they are not performed correctly than can also make you worse!

So here are seven of the best natural ideas for arthritis relief….

1. Ice:

Yes good old ice, it costs nearly nothing but can be very effective at reducing inflammation. The key is to apply it safely and to avoid irritating already tight muscles. So keep it just over the joint area if there is any swelling, redness or heat in a joint. 15 minutes is ideal, any longer and it can make the inflammation worse.

2. Elevation:

Also to help inflammation, elevate the joint to help reduce swelling. Perfect to do this while icing. just make sure your joint is comfortable and well supported.

3. Compression:

This wont work for all joints, but knees, ankles, feet, hands and elbows can all have compression garments/bandages applied. work the pressure from the ends toward the centre of the body to help remove excess fluids.

Not to tight that blood flow or nerves are compromised. Remove if area below changes colour or sensation changes. Best to be guided by a health professional for this….

4. Heat:

What? you just said ice, now heat? Absolutely, but the heat is applied to the muscle only and not the joint. Moist heat is best, soaking in a hot pool etc is great.

5. Exercise:

But only gentle exercise, too much will make your joints more painful and inflamed. Learn your limits and work withing them. The muscles should be stretched gently after.

6. Rest:

Don’t over do it. Rest when you need to, again learn your limits and don’t push ‘through’ the pain.


One of the best exercise methods for arthritis sufferers. A double ‘whammy’ of benefits; gentle movement without jarring and the heat of the water to help reduce the muscle tension and associated pain.

The worst thing you can do…. is nothing, get into helping yourself!