Joint pain in Arthritis can be complex. Especially if you are not aware of all of the causes of pain. But the worst thing is that some joint pains that could be eliminated are not addressed. This often means suffering when you don’t need to! So how does this occur? Simply as there has not […]
Archive | Was your Osteoarthritis diagnosed accurately
Hip replacement is it Avoidable? How would you know?
By Eugene Sims on November 18, 2014 in Avoiding Joint replacement surgery, Was your Osteoarthritis diagnosed accurately
Have You Been Told You Need a Hip Replacement? If you have been told you need a hip replacement please read on. You may be interested to hear another perspective. I am not slandering the advice of any medical professionals. But there are cases that may well respond very well to other forms of treatment. […]
Were your arthritis symptoms diagnosed accurately?
Examination of Arthritis symptoms Unfortunately I still see many clients who have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis inaccurately! While it may be true that they have some Osteoarthritis in their painful joint(s) this may not be the full story. It certainly may not be what is causing all their pain. The result is that too many […]